Erudite Tales

(note that "OT" refers to "Old Time", a period of time measured by the Matharian Calendar, and "AS" refers to "After Shattering", a time period measured based on the shattering of the United Plane. As the arrival of Eidynese people to Khyorgan is marked as 101 OT on the Matharian Calender and 2,967 AS on the Shattering calender, OT dates occur 2,866 years after AS dates)

Empire of the Red Tower
Location NorthEast of the Amicalis Mountains
Size unknown
Status Defunct
Capital {{{capital}}}
Official language unknown
Demonym Red Towerite
Population {{{population}}}
Race Elves, later slave populations of Humans, Maliekt, and Byn'makha
Government Empire
Legislature unknown
Head of State unknown
Head of Government unknown
Established 500s, OT
Disestablished 982 OT/3848 AS
Preceded by Adonbaxi
Succeeded by Amicalis
Annexations Adonbaxi and Maliekt tribes (800s OT)

Kingdom of Krizov (810-811 OT) Aurniznia (850s OT) Byn'makha villages (920s OT)

The Empire of the Red Tower, named for the red tower which the emperors resided in, was an Elven Empire in Khyorgan, known for it's slavery of Humans, Maliekt and Byn'makha, it expanded it's colonial goals throughout the Amicalis Mountains and much of the ocean, massive slave revolts eventually obliterated it.

The Empire of the Red Tower came into existence during the Immigration Era around 600-700 OT from Elvish colonists from Eidyn, and it was one of the only Elvish colonies not established in the southern areas of Khyorgan.

The Empire of the Red Tower gave only Elves rights as citizens, the race of Elf being irrelevant. As Elves are not mechanically gifted, slaves who produced technology which could aid the Empire in conquest were allowed to leave their slave status and become full citizens.

The Red tower army were recognizable by their use of Bascinets and armored canons on wheels, pulled by two horses at their sides and enclosed along with their crew and horses completely in armor.

Eventually, large-scale slave revolts destroyed the country, with Amicalis rising in it's place; Most of the elven population was killed off, those who remained were executed or reduced to living in slums.

The overseas colonies of the Red Tower in Eidyn collapsed into anarchy and the Empire's riches were fought over by bandits and marauders, who now use the crumbling fortresses of the Elven armies as strongholds.

The Empire of the Red Tower had laws against interracial marriages between Elves and Non-Elves, and killed any half-elves that were discovered along with their parents. The Empire of the Red Tower also banned private practice of any type of magic or alchemy, and only allowed it's use by the official agency of magic. Using Necromancy on the corpses of elves was strictly forbidden, but that protection was not extended to slaves, who could even be killed for Necromancers' experiments if the Necromancers so desired.
