Erudite Tales

Krayhan, the dragon god of order

Krayhan and Morduin are the twin Protogenoi Dragons of order and chaos. Krayhan appears as a large, blue serpentine being with only hind legs. Morduin is similar in appearance although he is orange in color. Both dragons share the same soul and balance one another out. Essentially, they are considered two sides of the same coin.

Because of their tendencies to act as guardian angels towards mortals, they both acquired followers and worshipers despite them not being actual gods.


Krayhan and Morduin were both servants of Shurrupak tasked with overseeing the balance between order and chaos. In times of unending warfare, Krayhan would bring order, and in times of overwhelming tyranny, Morduin would incite revolution. They were peacekeepers and guardians of balance.

Departure from Erudite[]

Krayhan and Morduin were defeated at some point during the Protegenoi Civil War when one of Mordraut's followers,a powerful auramancer, best them in combat. They caused their powers to cancel each other out, and thus, their bodies were destroyed. The auramancer attempted to absorb their souls, but the ritual failed when it was interrupted. Thus, Krayhan's and Morduin's soul vanished from time and space altogether.

Morduin and Krayhan thus wandered among the cosmos in the nexus between worlds until they found another plane created by a god named Levenslang. Levenslang, fascinated by Morduin and Krayhan's ideas, became inspired to create a new breed of dragons known as Yoltox, but was dissatisfied with them for how destructive they were, and thus, he locked them away in ice. However, Morduin felt betrayed by this action, and his bond with Krayhan shattered completely. No longer did Morduin embody chaos, but now destruction leaving Krayhan to take on the burden of becoming the aspect of true balance. In his rage, he caused the destruction god Vernietigen to devour the plane that Levenslang created.

It is not known what happened to Morduin and Krayhan after that, but it is said they still fought against one another. While Krayhan continued to preach his ideas of balance and harmony, Morduin countered by spreading unending chaos.
